Earth Medicine Allies for Changing Times

I was very honored to be asked to join Etheric Connection’s Divine Collaboration Virtual Expo on Saturday, April 11th. I am the first speaker (Hour 1) and shared about the Earth Medicine Allies for Changing Times. As I sat and journeyed with today’s theme, I thought about how this pandemic and the request from our leaders to social distance and shelter in place brings up so many feelings and emotions. In many ways, we are sheltering in place with our Shadow selves. And from the Shamanic point of view, this can feel like the World is being called to a Collective Vision Quest. We are challenged to search deep inside ourselves.In this changing and challenging time, I believe we are asked to admit that we are all connected. Humans hold this myth of separation, that we are separate from one another and separate from nature. This crisis challenges us to admit that if someone gets sick in China, it is also our issue here in Pennsylvania. It illustrates so clearly how interconnected we all are, how global our world is. In this vein, I talk about the Earth Medicine allies to assist with understanding and healing this illusion that we are separate and ways we can connect through the medicine.