earth medicine reading + guided meditation


earth medicine reading + guided meditation


This offering is JUST an pdf reading of medicine you might need right now + a personalized guided shamanic journey with your medicine. This reading offers insight into the plant, animal and crystal medicine that is needed right now. Angie utilizes crystal, plant and animal oracle cards for a reading, then drops into shamanic journey to dialogue with your allies and uncover the ways to work with your own personal medicine. For this reading, you will not receive any stones, plant allies or animal medicine. (If you are looking for that, please check out the Earth Medicine Bundle + Energy Reading.) We can start with a specific healing issue or focus on a specific concern. Angie will then write up a pdf of all your medicine, your journey and suggest rituals, meditations and personal work you can do with these allies. You will also receive a pdf of your reading and write up of the allies and how to work with them. And a link to your own private Soundcloud meditation. Angie will keep this to a 10-15 minute meditation for you to work with the energy needed at this moment.

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