Laser Quartz (Laser Wand)

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Laser Quartz (Laser Wand)


Laser Wands are wonderful for directing energy, for activating grids, for light column activation and more. Laser Wands are clear quartz crystals that are a little wider at the base and skinnier at the apex. They're often roughed up and have a tapered, angular look to them with etchings or markings

Natural Laser Wands are great for moving energy around, sensing energy and transmitting energy. Laser Wands are good for energy healers to work with. You can direct energy into an area. You can point them towards areas on the body. You can move energy around with them. You can use them to release pain, release tension or add energy to an area like to an underactive thyroid or chakra. You can use them for balancing chakras, for moving the energy around in a chakra. Crystal healers use them for activating energy or activating my crystal grids because I use an activation wand in my crystal grids.

4.5”-4.75” inches

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